Create a Personalized Marketing Campaign in 90 Seconds

Use free AI copywriting services to create a complete marketing campaign personalized for your ideal buyer in 90 seconds.

8/2/20231 min read

a cell phone sitting on top of a laptop computer
a cell phone sitting on top of a laptop computer

Use AI to create a complete marketing campaign in just 90 seconds specific for your target customer! Create Google ads, social media posts and professional emails in seconds using a buyer persona for your ideal customer. AI is a game changing marketing tool to help you create all this in seconds. Once created, add your personal touch such as business details, industry expertise or special offers.

How to create your marketing campaign in 90 seconds:

  1. Sign up for AI service such as ChatGPT or

  2. Instruct AI to write a buyer persona for your ideal customer.

  3. Copy the buyer persona to use in the next steps

  4. Instruct AI to write five Google ads using that persona

  5. Instruct AI to write five social media posts with the persona

  6. Instruct AI to write a focused email for your buyer


Step 7 is critical to your success. AI platforms give a nice outline to build from, but the success of your campaign relies on adding your personal expertise or promotions. Do not take the content exactly as AI writes it. Integrating your own voice, details and personality into the campaign will stand out to your audience.

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