Reduce Wasteful Meetings and Boost Productivity

You are killing your productivity and team morale with useless meetings. Watch production skyrocket by learning how to do meetings right.

Chad Reinertson

12/7/20221 min read

long table with Eiffel chair inside room
long table with Eiffel chair inside room

As the workplace continues to evolve, companies are looking for ways to reduce the number of wasteful meetings during the week and boost productivity. Meetings can be a great way to communicate, collaborate, and brainstorm, but they can also be a huge time-suck if not managed properly. Here are some tips for companies to reduce the number of wasteful meetings and boost productivity.

"Small Steps Are Still Progress"

1. Set Clear Objectives: Before scheduling a meeting, it’s important to set clear objectives for the meeting. This will help ensure that the meeting is focused and productive.

2. Limit Attendees: Inviting too many people to a meeting can be a waste of time and resources. Consider limiting the number of attendees to only those who are necessary for the meeting.

3. Use Technology: Technology can be a great way to reduce the number of meetings. Consider using video conferencing, instant messaging, or other digital tools to communicate instead of having in-person meetings.

4. Schedule Strategically: Try to schedule meetings at times when people are most productive. For example, avoid scheduling meetings during the middle of the day when people are likely to be tired.

5. Follow an Agenda: Before the meeting, create an agenda that outlines the topics that need to be discussed. This will help ensure that the meeting stays on track and that all topics are addressed.

6. Encourage Brevity: Encourage people to be concise and to the point during the meeting. This will help ensure that the meeting does not run too long and that everyone’s time is respected.

By following these tips, companies can reduce the number of wasteful meetings during the week and boost productivity. Meetings can be a great way to communicate and collaborate, but they can also be a huge time-suck if not managed properly. By setting clear objectives, limiting attendees, using technology, scheduling strategically, following an agenda, and encouraging brevity, companies can ensure that their meetings are productive and efficient.